One person can make a difference when he/she is being backed by several millenia of redemptive trends.
yes: i'm an idealist. the world is what we make of it. why not make it the best we can? yes: i am a libertarian. "truth" is bigger than you and i, and surely can't be dictated from someone else's perspective. never let someone else impose their context on you -- it just doesn't work. yes: i am post-modern. and maybe you're more post-modern than you think. i hold a high value in being able to de-construct the world-view models we live in, so that we can finally start to see things clearly. yes: i am an optimist. i know that's offensive to some, but i guarantee nothing will change if we don't try. above all that though, i am me. i am not defined by a group or a cause... yes, i am going to change the world. yes, 1 person can make a difference when he/she is being backed by several millenia of redemptive trends. and yes: i live by a single simple motto --- restore love.